Did you know that according to a recent survey of 6000 UK workers, 24% are planning to change roles in the next 3-6 months? What if that’s your most talented team members – how effective would your business run without them? What knowledge and skills would they take with them, and what gaps would they leave behind?
“We can’t stop employees leaving unless we have a plan to make them stay” is a quote by Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo. We have plans for lots of areas of our business, but our people are our most important asset – what is in your plan to make them stay? How are you creating a company that attracts and retains the best talent, and that people won’t want to leave?
As we exit Corona and open the door to a changed world, employee expectations have shifted. In the last two years we have been forced to adopt new working practices and ways of communicating at pace, employees have had no choice but to blend work and personal commitments – for many this has become a way of life, and they may want to retain some of that flexibility. As an employer, you rightly have requirements and expectations of each employee – but how can the needs and preferences of employee/employer blend together to create great outcomes for all?
We firmly believe the answer starts and ends with great leadership - and we are passionate about supporting you to implement it. Don’t wait until your talented members start to leave – the time to act is now. Why not contact us for an informal chat today, we are ready to help!
Written by Taylor Clarke Associate Consultants and Coaches, Helen Cameron & Liz Gilchrist