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Management of Coaching

Managing Coaching


We use an innovative coaching platform to manage all coaching relationships. This allows Taylor Clarke to provide powerful insights that are emerging from a coaching contract.


Clients are given access to a dashboard that shows in real-time how the coaching contract is progressing. This transparent approach to managing coaching means that clients know exactly where in a coaching contract they are.


Measuring the impact of coaching 


Inbuilt to our approach is measuring the impact of coaching. Our tested approach to measuring impact helps clients understand how coaching is impacting their staff and aids internal reporting.


Using defined questions created by our coaches we measure the progress of coachees at four key points during the coaching relationship to provide a well-rounded view of impact. If there are specific themes that your organisation would like to explore through our impact measurement then we can work together to create suitable questions to be asked to coachees.


Matching coaches


The matching process of coaches and coachees can be a long, manual and painful process. We offer the option to handle the matching process through our platform. By using our technology the matching processes is reduced to less than a week for a coach to meet with a coachee. 


Scaling internal coaching â€‹

Our platform is available to be used beyond Taylor Clarke coaches. If your organisation would like a demonstration of how our platform can help you manage coaching then please Contact Us.


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